Serious Lack of Good Ideas

Sorry that lately I´ve only been publishing more Polyvore sets. Lately I´ve been under some serious creativity rationalization. Really, currently my mind is like England during World War II... And I also feel wary about my countrie´s (Venezuela) situation. This made me really REALLY angry and, believe me, you don´t want to be around me right now. It´s the kind of things that make you wonder "What the hell is going through people´s minds??"

I don´t really know how should I feel. I haven´t live anything different from this, or at least not conciously... one of the first memories I have is my elder sister crying cause Chávez won the elections. And if she didn´t quiet like him then, imagine what´s going on in her mind right now... NOW FEAR

And before moving on, there´s one more question to ask: How did we ever get to this?

Under this want-somebody-to-slap-NOW situations. There´s 3 things that cheer me up:
  1. SpongeBob
  2. Chocolate
  3. Mika


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