Indie Rock and Roll with my sister

plastic star sunglasses Pictures, Images and Photos

-10 cents please...- I begged my sister -5... 2... 1... COME ON!!!- I yelled loosing my most charming smile in the library, and I only use that on desperate cases.
-Nope- She said as a response -you never pay back, besides, I´m saving for the Aerosmith concert- she concluded.
These made me feel really protective over her. Maybe I should thank that she is saving her money for the Aerosmith´s concert instead than for The Jonas Brothers´but I couldn´t stop having this images about my sister wearing a pink sweater with cotton flakes imitating sheeps. These isn´t necessarily close to the reality but hey!, what happened to "one step at a time?? she is just eleven. Shouldn´t she first go past sweet, inocent Miley Cyrus and her castity ring?
Kids today, they just jump into "Love in an elevator"
I´m fine with this as long as I get to go to the concert too ;)


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