The luxe book Pictures, Images and Photos

-This is emo - SITG (Strawberry in the Garden) said while I was reading "The Luxe" out loud with her.
-No Julia...-I answered- Just because the book starts on a "funeral" ({----spoiler) ,in a Gothic style church doesn´t mean that it is em... what?? he´s name it´s Teddy Cutting?? D:

Anyway, that was as emo as it gets. Or maybe that´s just the impression I get after "The Other Boleyn Girl". It was a REALLY good book but that Anne Boleyn makes Marie Antoinette look like Jesus.
I ended up wondering wich was worse Henry (who seemed to think as himself as the next messiah or something) or Anne (BITCH).
I´ve got an epiphany (!).... Maybe that´s why they call it "historical fiction"... *thinks a lot*
Right now I just need something happy,really really happy and that you know that is NOT gonna end up with someone´s beheading like High School Musical or...

Dirty Dancing (my mom´s personal favorite, partly thanks to Patrick Swayze)
... here...
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