Show your heart in!

I´ve put this on hold for a while, but now I´m ready the show my heart in...

A cake/cupcake:

-Apple Crisp (covered in vanilla ice cream): I´m not even sure about if it is a cake, a cupcake or just a mass of delicious apple-sugar-cinnamon tasting stuff covered on vanilla ice cream (it brings out the flavor). May not have the prettiest color, or most attractive appereance, but it definitively tastes better than those cakes with the aspect of candy-colored, marzipan- covered delicatessen pretty thing but taste like a normal cake. One looks good on a picture and the other one on my mouth.

An item of clothing: Actually, there´s two: the obvious and the not-so-obvious:

-Christian Dior by John Galliano´s gorgeous cat/butterfly-eyed sunglasses: I´m crrrazy about them and I left that really clear. (Check: gadget picture with a mosaic of them in different colors... Or even, the fact that I have them as my icon.)

("Me? Obsessed?... naw..." ;D Just ignore the fact that I exposed myself to downloading a screenshot program to obtain the picture above)

PS: You can easily tell this is the obvious item...

Which leads me to the not so obvious:

Chanel Haute Couture dress from Spring 2005: These dress is a masterpiece, all pretty in bows and lace, but you know what can make it look even MORE beautiful? Be worn by a non-model person full of vitality such as Princess Caroline of Hanover (that same year for the Bal de la Rose).

A Disney Princess:

-Cinderella (on her non-blue ball gown): Uhr... Tough decission between Cinderella and Cinderella (Does any of you know her real name?). This was an easy one since I made a post about the movie not long ago (and I also gave you my opinion about her not being a good contributor to our society´s values or muslim girl´s rights)

An image:

-Pretty and SMILEY Brigitte Bardot on a dance/ballet studio. (This category was maybe the most challenging, and the only one that includes something new)

A place:

-Disney: Disney has a land for each personality. For example, you want to be in a pretty place to make your life feel more artsy and Marie Antoinette-like (Fantasyland) but at the same time you want adrenaline, you want to scream, you want a picture (full of shrieks) of you looking horrible on the worst part of Space Mountain (Adventureland).
That´s what Disney is for: fully satisfy both necessities

A quote: I have many:
"Live the life you love, love the life you live"

-Bob Marley

"We are gonna have to do it again. But that´s not my fault, I mean, I know the coreography"

-Sylvie Guillem (dancer)

"I´m a golden God"

-Russell (Almost Famous)

"We knew the girls were really women in disguise, that they understood love, and even death, and that our job was merely to create the noise that seemed to fascinate them"

-The Virgin Suicides

Thanks to my wonderland for tagging me! (yeah! I finally posted it!!). In fact, you tagged everyone... So I am going to follow your example and give everyone the chance to show their heart in partly because a) You are all wonderful readers and writers! and b)I´m too lazy to tag you all... ;)


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