Bucket Hats

I've trying to do this post for a while, because I think it is a great idea.
You see, when I first saw the pictures of the Burberry's show on Vogue, the first thing I noticed was: the hats.
Before that, bucket hats seemed to me a little bit too 90s and good old Britney Spears but, as always, Christopher Bailey made a great job, making them up-to-date and fashionable.
Then I saw a cool picture on Teen Vogue and later they were all over the place, even though nobody seemed to notice.
So I went all like "Why does nobody worships them?!" and "Am I the only one to notice?!".
I wanted to draw attention to them but I couldn´t find the right pictures. Because as we all know: a good picture can say more than 1000 words, right? and in my blog, pictures are about everything! (I cannot say the same about either gramatic or ortography! sorry about that ;D).
And here I am. I've been working on this post for a while because I wanted to do it the right way!
Hope you like it:

Lovely, lovely burberry hats!
...that are very, VERY expensive!

And there's a recession going on, remember?
For over 200$ for a hat, lucky for us mortals that there is always the mass market! ;)


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