Jeisa Chiminazzo on Vogue Brasil 2003. Photographed by Debby Gram

Yeah, as it has becomed some sort of tradition of mine that things I like, are ,usually, really old (Sorry, I'm still getting over the fact that the 90's were almost 20 years ago! For me they've always been kind of recent. And let's not talk about the 60's...).
I like old music, vintage clothes and antique furniture. But sometimes, people get too obsessed with past things (Sorry Marilyn Manson, but I have to disagree, music ISN'T dead) to enjoy  all the things that our generation would be reminded for. Globalization has made possible that our generation won´t have great iconic bands like the jazz from the 30s, or rock&roll from the 50s... Now it's MUCH bigger than that, cause there´s so much to choose from! It´s called diversity.
Maybe, as I said it before it may have sounded a bit louzy, but think of this:
The Jonas Brother's freak fans today, are just as freak as The Beatle's freak fans years ago. So if you think that you are too cool to listen to The Jonas, you get chills everytime you see the barricades for them to be about town AND you think that you have better taste than that because you're CRRAAZY about The Beatles, think well, you're no better than those girls, you're juuuust as bad as a Beatles' freak fan (but 40something years late). ;)
Now: Feel the love generation!

(If ANYTHING of what I said above offended you, sorry. I love both: Jonas and Beatles, new and old. It was just an example!)

Going back to the actual post, the pictures are from 5 years (!) ago and I'm a hypocrite, but the fashion on them is just so timeless...



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