My Movie (II)

-The characters: Don't you love movies or TV shows on which the plot goes around  the characters?
Well, I do. And because I find myself with the inability to create non-Mary Sue characters, I will tell you a little bit about my favorites (the ones my perfect movie would have):

  • Juno Mcguff: And let me tell you, inside all that easy-breezyness, she always have something witty to say. She is so frank and true to herself that it almost seems impossible her not doing the right thing. The stripper gone writer Diablo Cody is just GENIOUS! Her intelligent humor always leaves a smile on your face :D.
Some of my favorite quotes:
a)Vanessa: Your parents are probably wondering where you are.
Juno: Nah... I mean, I'm already pregnant, so what other kind of shenanigans could I get into?

b)Juno: No, this is not a food baby all right? I've taken like three pregnancy tests, and I'm forshizz up the spout.
Leah: How did you even generate enough pee for three pregnancy tests? That's amazing...
Juno: I don't know, I drank like, ten tons of Sunny D... Anyway dude, I'm telling you I'm pregnant and you're acting shockingly cavalier.

c)Juno: You should've gone to China, you know, 'cause I hear they give away babies like free iPods. You know, they pretty much just put them in those t-shirt guns and shoot them out at sporting events.

And here I leave you the making of!

  • Holly Golightly: Classic of all classics. Holly's style has become icon to all generations. She is kooky, naive, classy and just delicious. And altogether, she is a really sad person, making her a balanced, non-Mary Sue character. There's some melancholy in her that makes you ask "why is she so sad?"...                                                                                                                                          You can see Holly's two faces on the opening scene: Audrey having "Breakfast at Tiffany's", Moonriver as background, peeking through the window of the place that symbolises what she aims to find in life: home, stability; and all at the same, the stylish little girl, that still inspires women to run for a black dress and a pair of dark sunglasses!
         That's what is so great about her: she can pull of all of her flaws and make them look lovely.

Now, quotes:

a)I'm like cat here, a no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don't even belong to each other.

b)Holly:Thursday! It can't be! It's too gruesome!
Paul: What's so gruesome about Thursday?
Holly: Nothing, except I can never remember when it's coming up.

And many more, but I just love them all!



And that is not all! Here is the making of Breakfast at Tiffany's:

  • Maxxie (from Skins): I am very in love with this character! He is like the adorable gay friend that is always right. Plus he sketches and (tap) dances! Just watch the show and you'll know what I mean...

  • Tony (also from Skins): I love the bad guys ;). At first sight he may seem about perfect. One thing you have to know: he is up to something. And he will not hesitate on lie, manipulate or get people hurted, that is just MORE fun for him!
  • Polignac on Marie Antoinette: I would love to party with her! Just one quote: "Oh good! The chickens are out!" (This goes dedicated to you, dear!)

This may not be one specific character, but I would love my movie to have a cool gang of friends! I always enjoy those ones :P

I love too many characters (Fred and Gerorge Weasley, Jasper Hale, Amy March, etc) but not as much as these.Maybe I'll post about other characters later...


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