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It´s been a week or so since my last post, and I really regret neglecting my much adored blog! I promise!
And it´s not only my blog... things, lately, don´t seem to fall where I want them to.

One word: grades.
Not that I mortify too much. Not a bad student either... In fact, I´m pretty good. I know the importance of grades to my future.

Although, studying and information are things that come easily to me sometimes, I trust on that ability of mine a teensy bit too much.
In order to defend myself: when I realized this, I tried my best before it was too late. And it wasn´t enough.

Which leads to the question:
What am I supposed to do?
Some people say that the best thing is to let things calm down: life is a river and I should let it flow. Things, eventually, will fall into places. Let things happen.
Or maybe I should MAKE things happen , you know, like... take control of my own life? Yeah, that's it: strong independent woman.

So what do you think? I don´t wanna be the horribly ambitious Blair either but sometimes, taking the bull by the horns seems more appropiate than just sit there, hoping the good karma, energies of the world or whatever  thing to fall on me...

Thanks God it´s Friday! ;D







And some very random Vogue images for no reason apparently...
Because we never get too much vintage 50s Vogue!

P.S: I´m sorry for the exposing this drama to you, this should be called the emo post!


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