Life is Good Again

I think I should thank you alll for your kindness: it´s really nice of you all to bear that sort of whiny, emo-ness and your advises where all so helpful!
So I prepared something special!... Well, maybe not that much special. I´m saving all the adorable pictures for my 100th post (which is only 4 posts away, yay!) and so the countdown begins...

But for know...

Oh! I almost forgot: the other day I woke up and I realizaed that I hated my gadgets (I just can´t bear to have the same header/gadget too long) so I erased the other ones and made some new ones.
So, let me present you my new gadgets. I wanted them to be iconic to the things I love:

James Dean
He canalizes all that teenage angst and makes it of his own.
Besides, he´s hot!

From a beautiful editorial from USA Vogue called "French Open".
Photographed by Arthur Elgort and stylized by Grace Coddington.
It is all so parisienne! And it represents that.

Daring, darling Holly!
Don´t you looove the colors on this one? That´s my favorite part.

Miss Dior Chérie, Sofia Coppola.
The design of the room is très élégante!
(I bet I got it right)

That movie has got the everything:
Paris, ballet, pretty clothes, 60s AND Brad Pitt on a sail boat!

Marie Antoinette and more Sofia Coppola.
Besides, isn´t this picture cute?
Annie Hall.
She´s got the style, the looks and the kooky personality!

Coco Chanel.
Because for her "a girl should be two things: classy and fabulous"!

The Notebook. Only because this screencap rocks!

And more Sofia Coppola in Paris.

Speaking about Sofia!
Here´s the first picture from Somewhere, so excited about it!

It´s not that pretty, but at least is a start!


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