Please! Don't look at me with that face! I know, I know... I haven't been precisely "constant" with my New Year resolution of posting more often, but hey! still I'm not giving up ;) As I always say: "Rome was not built in one day".

Oh, gee! This going to be even more difficult than I thought! Specially after hearing various teacher anti-inspirational speaches and the schedule of calamities they got prepared specially (and with motherly affection)to us.
But I won't let this discourage me! I'm feeling utterly powerful and energetic, and it's divine!

Another thing that keeps me rowling down the river is the great amount of movies that come out this ths year I'm dying to see! Let see: there is Somewhere, Harry Potter, Eclipse (I will not rest until I see my he-wolf happy!) and let's not talk about Eloise at Paris!

I must express my Eloise love :) Oh darn, that movie has it all! The pink, the sunglasses, the kook, the dog, the turtle, the hotel, the illustrations, the Debutant Ball and goodness! the Dior! There is no dull moment, because, as Nanny said, "Being bored is not allowed".

If you have not seen  the movie yet, then today is your lucky day! You can watch the whole movie on nice-considering-that-it-is-youtube-what-we're-talking-about quality here!

There's more!
What can be more absolutely lovely than an Eloise editorial, nothing I can think of right now...
"Little Miss Precious"


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