This Glee scene is absolutely and massively... how shall I put it?... Darling!

I'm no fan of Eliza Doolittle: I watch Audrey Hepburn's movies mostly to get a great dose of  the class and charm that she exuded. And of course, Eliza is the contradiction of all these characteristics (just wait until you see her chewing the words and say "Garn!". It's just too strange watching Audrey doing that :O)
But I like My Fair Lady as the musical itself, the same reason that I watch Sofia Coppola's films: The scenario created by artistic director Cecil Beaton is très fantastique! So is the music (My personal favorite, lovely Freddie singing "On the street where you live"! I've got this theory of him being the perfect boyfriend: he's just happy to know that he is on the same street than his sweetheart! No stalking, posesiveness, jealousy or whatever)

So imagine how terribly divine was to watch this part of Glee! The bridal shop, the song... but it was mostly the dress that captivated me!

The dress is reminiscent of Audrey Hepburn herself. It includes a gorgeous cut, with gorgeous fabric and even more gorgeous back!
If you, like me, pretty much are willoing to buy the dress now, stick it into a time machine and send to your future self, wishing you will be this thin on your wedding day, then you can buy it here!

I took this one screencap (in case you didn't noticed)!
The quality is terribly bad, but I noticed that I couldn't get any picture of the whole front section.

Now, a little gift for my lack of dedication to my blog caused by problems with the Internet, or no-Internet-at-all (but Í'm sure you are all so tired of hearing my excuses!)

Miss Golightly herself! And that, won't hurt anybody, won't it?
...Once in a while, I'm not breaking my resolution...or am I?...
Oh well, it does not exist such thing as too much Audrey! (Bah! That's ridiculous. PLUS I'm keeping up with all my other resolutions ;)

Well, that was pretty much the whole post!
Can't she beautify anything? Holly Golightly is truly inspiring to me!
Specially since now I see her anywhere but that's another story I'm willing to tell you some other time :)
Now, good night and good luck!


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