McCall’s Magazines from the 1940s

I believe that magazines from the 1940s are the best!  I have, let me think here, three and they are all McCall’s.

What I like about the copies of McCall’s from the forties is that, they are organized into three three distinct sections: “Fiction and News,” “Home Making,” and “Style and Beauty.” My favorite sections are the latter two. :)

In the homemaking section I have found many recipes I would love to try. And as my copies are from the WWII era, they talk about saving/rationing certain ingredients to help win the war.  Someday I hope to try some of the recipes. When I do I’ll post my results here.

The style and beauty section has listings of the current trends and patterns. They also tell you how to reuse your old clothing, tablecloth’s, etc, into something new to save fabric. Sometimes I do this myself with clothing, but  not often. Like when ever I through away an old article of clothing, I look for a couple things. First, buttons I can use again. Second, trim that is not torn or unusable in any way.  Thirdly, see if I can’t use the fabric in some other way. Though mostly I will just through it away at this point. For it is mostly clothing that I have had for years and I am sick of the fabric and ready for change. :)

Here are a bunch of pictures from my magazines:





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