Reasons why J'adore Carla Bruni!

Oh well, I'll admit it: When I listed among my New Year Resolutions "Be a good blogger" I was not sure what to expect. And I've faced the worst fear of every writer... THE "NOTHING" ("It was horrible! HORRIBLE!"). But I've got the greatest excuse: school (or Sweeney Todd!) ate my brains!
I know, I know there is no valid excuse (although, you know the Sweeney Todd one was pretty convincent) so , guess what... now that I got my mojoe back... *hold your breaths* ....I'm back blogging! *This is the part when you say YAY!*

And what motivation is greater than fabulous Carla? (maybe, fabulous Audrey)...
Here it is

Reasons Why I love: Carla Bruni (I told you, this is a terrific excuse to post all images in my computer that scream "POST")

Well, that's pretty easy. She is awesome because

a) She's an awesome model!


c) And even better, a stylish, elegant and trés chic First Lady!

(Exquisite Little Black Dress by Alexis Mabille! I'll probably make a post about this designer later)

d) And soon, an awesome actress!

Wouldn't it be lovely to trade wardrobes with her?

(Assistants carrying her wardrobe)


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