
Another month another post!
Remember that I'm still out there,  just watching all of your lovely posts (Though I don't comment that much lately) no reason to get paranoid. And we do have a reason to be paranoid (about earthquakes, at least).

A lot has happened in the past month: the Oscars (Zoe Saldana and Sandra Bullock were spectacular! Who were your favorites?), earthquakes, the end of the world, fashion week (Does Chanel really want to sell us Chewbacca costumes?), the death of Alexander Mcqueen (Rest In Peace), Lady Gaga's latest (rather disturbing) video,the day I discovered what to do with the rest of my life and the day I FINALLY watched the September Issue. I've come to this realization:
When I grow up I want to be Grace Coddington:

Aren't her cats funny? This ones name might as well be something like Fifi, Sir Arthur Reynald II or Mister Whiskers... Any suggestions?
Did I mentined that she was a model during the sixties?
That deserves some bonus points from me!

I´m so very excited about the world cup!

And my very dear My wonderland gave me this Kreativ Blogger award!

...And now I'm supposed to tell you 7 random things about myself, so, here I go:

1- Anyone who knows me, is entirely sure about one completely relevant thing: I love llamas.

2-People always tell me that I look JUST like *insert your random thing of choice here*. So, apparently, I look like the result of an eclectic mix of many MANY things unrelated.
    Just to name some: Dora the Explorer, Bambi, Helena Bonham-Carter (which is not very flattering, last time I saw her in a magazine, she was proudly parading alongside her husband Tim Burton in the Worst Dressed People list), a koala, a sunflower, a platypus

3- You just need to tell me one song, probably I know the lyrics by heart and will explode in singing (and probably dancing).

4- I LITERALLY wouldn't kill a fly.

5- I have too many ideas, but it is hard for me to pass from the theory to the practice. Apply that to my blog: I leave so many great posts unfinished! 

6- Since it will be pretty hard to be Grace Coddingtoin when I grow up (especially the part of being a model on the 60s, partly because I was born on the 90s) I will settle for being Abigail Lorick! And there are some posts to come about that ;)

7- Lord of the Rings and me, forever. And I won't say another word about that.

I've been wanting to post this Emma Watson editorial for a while, Isn't it marvellous? I tell you, that girl is great!

Looving her style! May post something about that later...

I'm so very excited about the World Cup! What teams(s) do you support? My country did not classify (but they were close!) so I will be supporting Germany and Brazil, because a) Somehow I'm related to these countries and b) They play very nicely!


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