Extremely Pretty

Ok, maybe you've already jumped, danced around and died of awesomeness for the image above. And then, after loving it for the 100th time, you made it your wallpaper for about a month, until you got tired of it and then moved on. But the thing about extremely pretty images is that we often forget the possibility that they may be part of an extremely pretty editorial, and after googling Arthur Elgort, one more time (you can tell that he is my monthly obsession), I found out the really interesting fact that this case applies to that picture!
Pure eye-candy. Now, enjoy!

I didn't post the images that I didn't consider  extremely pretty (Now that's my phrase of the day!), but you might have an oppinion different to mine, so you can find the rest of the editorial here.

And when you talk about extremely pretty pictures, you just can't leave out Tim Walker!

Or Holly Golightly!

Wasn't that extremely pretty? :)


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