Only style remains

"Fashion fades, only style remains" -Coco Chanel

   The other day I was checking out some photos of my latest girl-crush: Camilla Belle, that would be. I have always thought that she is authentically pretty and for me, her face is both exotically and classically beautiful. But that wasn't what caught my attention, I was paying more attention this time to the outfits. And then a phrase that my friend from My wonderland  always says when I refer to celebrity/street style came to my mind: I liked the style, though not the clothes.
   Yes, style and clothes are separate things with a relation that I compare to that one between editorial and picture. You may like one picture of the editorial, but the editorial as a whole, with the theme, the styling, the setting, the photographing, well... not that much. Or the same situation on reverse: you like the big picture but not quite as much the pictures as a separate.
   I truly adore this girl below's style and I admire their great taste and extraordinary capacity to look their best (specially Diane Kruger's... did you know that she does her makeup and her styling aaall by herself?!) though there may be a dress or two that, let's say, I wouldn't wear myself ;)


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