The Cat's Meow

   Well, if you are a fan of whoddunits and pretty movie costumes then this is the right movie for you!
   What surprises me the most is that I hadn't noticed how much Kirsten Dunst looks like a silent movie star, almost like Clara Bow or something.

I just loved how everybody could be sitting there eating and suddenly someone would scream"EVERYBODY, CHARLESTON!", then everybody would literally, start to dance joyously.

And the flashback ridden ending:
"I've had a recurring dream recently. I am back on the Oneida, having a glorious time.
But I'm watching how ridiculous everyone else looks, and I wonder why they don't realize it. Then I see that in fact, I too look like a fool. Yet it's so much fun that none of us can stop. If we stopped, we'd have nothing."


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