So, I am still in high school a.k.a. Nowhere Near Getting My Own Place To Live but hey! magazines like Vogue are supposed to be "aspirational", right? And I know, I know, it is not the most original thing to post pictures from in my blog but you know that strange sensation you get when someone that you don't know describes your tastes better that you could have done it yourself? No? Well, Bettina Prentice just did that for me with her Mantra: "live with art that either has a great sense of humor or great sense of style”. And I adooored the two apartments below (one belonging to Bettina Prentice and the other to Erin Fetherston) precisely because to me, both seem to convey that sense of what I shall call "classic quirkiness". Everything about Bettina's living room fascinates me: the cushions, the fabrics, the color scheme, the assorted paintings, the orchids, the gun lamp... It is elegant but still... familiar? livable? Like a kooky old relative! 
Bisous ;)


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