The Atlantic Premiers Talk EI, Immigration and Cooperation in SJ

The four premiers in Atlantic Canada share some of the same struggles like youth out migration and high unemployment.

At a news conference in Saint John at the conclusion of their Council of Atlantic Premiers Meeting, PEI Premier Robert Ghiz tells CHSJ News he finds the meetings very valuable.

He says the premiers have a lot of commonalities in areas like healthcare and education and he says learning from one another is extremely important.

Premier Alward echoed Ghiz' comments says sometimes as a premier you can feel like an island but when you come together they are facing a lot of same issues using the signing of an agreement to harmonize apprenticeship training across all four provinces.

Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil says in each province the training model was different and at the end of four years you would cover the same material  but it would be in different sequences.    He adds lining up the training will make it easier for the mobile workforce we have to work in all four provinces.


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