It's Official: Prince William to Return to Flying & 'No Rise in Duties' for Kate

The long-awaited announcement regarding Prince William's career came today and there were no surprises. Following a transitional year which saw him mix royal duties with an agricultural course at Cambridge University the second-in-line to the throne has decided to return to flying. He will begin a full-time job as a helicopter pilot with the East Anglian Air Ambulance in spring 2015 after a period of training beginning in September.

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More from the Press Release from Kensington Palace:

'After completing a mandatory period of training this autumn and winter, the Duke will start work with the Air Ambulance, based at Cambridge and Norwich airports and flying both day and night shifts, in spring 2015. The Duke will start as a co-pilot but, after a period of training, will be qualified to fly as a helicopter commander.'

Before we continue, we must give full credit to reporters Kate Mansey and Roya Nikkhah who broke the story even after the palace denied it. One of several such situations which has led to an increased difficulty between the media and the press office.

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The Duke will be formally employed by Bond Air Services. He will draw a £40,000 salary which he will donate in full to charity. He is the first senior royal to sign a job contract and pay income tax and national insurance. It is believed the Prince will work a pattern of five days on, three days off and the rota will allow him to undertake some royal duties and overseas trips. Shift hours include 7 am to 4.30 pm and he will be responding to medical emergencies and car accidents.

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Back to the Palace's statement:

'The Duke of Cambridge is hugely motivated by the idea of being able to help people in difficult and challenging conditions. The air ambulance service does truly outstanding work and The Duke of Cambridge wants to make his own contribution to it.

As William signed a two-year contract, he will be at least 35 before he takes on a full-time schedule of royal duties. Considering the training involved, one imagines it's more likely he will remain with the air ambulance for at least four years.

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The job builds on William's operation experience in the Royal Air Force Search and Rescue at RAF Valley. During his time there he undertook 150 search and rescue operations. This year left William with an important decision, and he obviously decided he wanted to return to flying.

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The East Anglian Air Ambulance expressed their delight about William's decision and looks forward to welcoming him as part of their team. Chief executive Patrick Peal told The Sun:

'This is really good news for the charity and we're delighted His Royal Highness has decided to fly with us. We're looking forward to him being part of the team. We need to raise £7.5 million.
 We are confident that this will help raise the profile of the charity. It's a very close-knit crew with pilots operating closely with doctors and paramedics so we need a strong team.'

It is a tremendous organisation which operates 365 days per year. They do not receive government funding and rely entirely on donations.  If you wish to find out more or donate please click here.

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What does this mean for Kate? Will there be an increase in duties for the Duchess? The Palace revealed today:

'She will continue with her small portfolio of work and focus on being a mother. No rise in duties.'

The Cambridges have obviously decided to put a private family life first and perhaps hope to enjoy the same life they did in Anglesey where they enjoyed cinema trips, walks on the beach and trips to local grocery stores without press intrusion. Much of this month will be spent overseeing the final touches to their new country home Anmer Hall, which is expected to be their primary residence for some time. It was hoped it would be completed for June but due to delays (and those who've ever had their home refurbished will know the deadline is almost never met) it will be September. Decorators have just begun work on the top floor.

Norfolk will provide the setting for Prince George's early years where the young prince will play and explore the grounds of The Queen's Sandringham estate. It is quite possible William and Kate plan to have another baby in the near future and want to bring up their children somewhere they can enjoy freedom and the countryside.

No doubt the Middleton family will be regular visitors with Carole, Mike, James and Pippa making weekend visits and spending birthdays and holidays together. They will be surrounded by a close circle of friends in Norfolk (dubbed the "Turnip Toffs" by the media) including William's childhood friend William van Cutsem. Indeed William and Harry spent many days during their childhood playing at Anmer Hall, when it was the residence of the van Cutsems. William's cousin, Laura Fellowes, and Princess Diana's sister, Lady Jane Fellowes, also live in Norfolk.

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In the local area Kate enjoys browsing antiques in stores such as the Shirehall Plain Antiques and the Mews Antiques Emporium. Below we see Kate shopping in nearby Holt last year. The Duchess visited the aforementioned antique shops and a local bakery.


William is fond of the Dabbling Duck Pub. Recently the Cambridges were made honorary members of the Royal West Norfolk Golf Club. We know they enjoy entertaining at home, and with their new state-of-the-art kitchen, they will host many dinner parties for family and friends throughout the year.

Golf Club House/Georgraph

What are your thoughts on Prince William's choice? Do you agree with his decision to put his own wishes first and postpone a royal life? As second-in-line there is more time for William to pursue his passions (in this case flying for an excellent charity) than previous generations. Do you think Kate should increase her workload whilst William works full time? This is very much a different generation of royals. Her Majesty famously said, "I have to be seen to be believed" and has devoted her life to doing so. William, is obviously taking a very different approach and perhaps royal duties are not at the forefront of his mind or priorities at present. A happy family life is vital and very important for the monarchy too, of course, and this move will be good for them as a family and at the end of the day that is what matters most of all.

PA/ The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

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