as you may have read above this is my first post so I pretty much dont know the rules, this includes the gramatical and ortographic issue, I dont know if I have to write things the correct way or messenger way. I dont even know how do I look like, some people say that I look like Helena Bonham Carter (this is not a good thing to hear, ESPECIALLY FROM YOUR MOM,I mean : hello!! havent you seen sweeney todd?), some others say that I look chinese
(I dont have anything against them but...) and my best friend says that I look like Jackien from that 70s show, this is by far the one that I prefer.
Now this will sound cliche but Im a teenager from Venezuela (I know what you think when you here Venezuela and no, am not and aboriginal, comunist or live in a shack and dont wear ponchos that say "GUADALAJARA" actually, I dont wear ponchos at all). I hate Hanah Montana, and love fashion, books and bows. I like to think about good universities and Im in the process of planning my live. For know I wanna improve my english and write you about my tastes, fashion, culture and my life. I wanna be a fashion designer but for know I will keep posting.
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