A Girls Guide to Home Life has been tagged!

Thanks to Elizabeth J. at "Modest Blends", I've been tagged! Yippee! So, I am to say seven things that no ones knows about me. :-) Here we go....

1. We use to have a yellow lab named Braveheart, after William Wallace.
2. My all-time favorite movie is the Sound of Music. At one point I had memorized all the songs in the movie. I have the Broadway version of the scrip for school plays. I have read Marie Von Trapp's books. And have music sheets from both the Broadway and movie versions of the songs. :-)
3. I have over 300 patterns! :O These were collected over a spanned of almost 4 years (in March).
4. I enjoy shopping on Black Friday to find great deals. :P
5.I taught myself to dance tap, ballet, ballroom, and Contra by watching movies.
6. Decoding codes and solving mysteries are one of my favorite things to do! 
7. My favorite book series is probably The Five Little Peppers.

The five people I tag are....

Anna Kristine of "The Art of Clothes" - I love all the inspiration she shares on her blog and upcoming movie news.  

Shannon of "Thoughts and Thimbles" - She is always sewing up lovely projects that inspire me.

Emme of "Songs I Sing" - For her love of old Hollywood movies.

Beth Ann of "Genuine Beauty" - For her fun fashion-y tips and advice.

Rebecca of "icebluechick" - Just because I love reading her blog.



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