1910s - Some links I forgot... :-)

Ladies' Travelling Ulster (Overcoat), 1910

1912 Frocks for Christmas (Evening Dress) - Part Two

1912 - 14 Custom drafted skirt in 3, 5 and 7 Gores

Two Edwardian Blouses, c.1910

A New Coiffure from 1917 - A 1917 hairstyle.

Gowns for a 1917 Bride and Bridesmaid

Ladies Handkerchief Camisoles 1912 & 1908

Sewing Stitches, From The Dressmaker, Butterick 1911

The Ladies Tailor, Vol. XXVII. No. 3 March 1911, London - shows patterns of assorted hobble skirts, and Titanic era suits.

Anne Shirley's Wedding Dress pattern

Image from: http://www.sensibility.com/vintageimages/index.htm


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