Grace Kelly's Wedding Dress

I recently made a remarkable discovery! Vogue patterns has a pattern that is a very close copy to Grace Kelly's Wedding dress. How exciting is that?!? I have loved Grace Kelly's dress ever since I first saw it on a paper doll we have. :D

Another plus about this dress is that it has sleeves! And it is modest. You just need to change the front to be higher like Grace Kelly's. ;)

May I also recommend that you check out, Grace Kelly: Icon of Style to Royal Bride. It has some lovely pictures and diagrams of her wedding dress. Plus, it has quite a few pictures of her other dresses, all of which are lovely!

Side news: If any of my readers will be in London between April 17th and September 26th in 2010, you may be interested in seeing a display at the V&A on Grace Kelly.

Here is what the V&A website has to say about the exhibition.

The spectacular wardrobe of Grace Kelly will be on display at the V&A. Tracing the evolution of her style from her days as one of Hollywood's most popular actresses in the 1950s and as Princess Grace of Monaco, the display will present over 50 of Grace Kelly's outfits together with hats, jewelery and the original Hermès Kelly bag. Dresses from her films, including High Society, will be shown as well as the gown she wore to accept her Oscar award in 1955. These will be accompanied by film clips and posters, photographs and her Oscar statuette. The display will also include the lace ensemble worn by Grace Kelly for her civil marriage ceremony to Prince Rainier in 1956 and 35 haute couture gowns from the 1960s and 70s by her favorite couturiers Dior, Balenciaga, Givenchy, and Yves St Laurent.


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