Reasons why I love Audrey Hepburn

What can I say possibly say about Audrey that hasn´t been said before: she is the epitome of class and inner/outer beauty. But they are some major reasons that I feel so attracted to her, to the point that I have a whole (pretty large, I must say) file dedicated to her on my computer, the images describe how great she was (and my great obsession for her) better than I can do:
  • She was a lady!

  • She was a ballerina!


  • She played Holly Golightly!


 *Zoolander  what?*

Holly mingling... and dancing!

This picture said:
"Miss Golightly´s graces charmes and her habits shocked the neighbors. But she has nice habits too. Whenever she washes her hair, she goes out on the fire escape, out in the sun, and play dreamy songs on wandering on her guitar."

I just love when, in Breakfast at Tiffany´s trailer, Audrey stares straight at the camera,breaking the fourth wall,  and with infinite charm and poise she asks "Want to join me?"... That darling girl! (You can tell that on that part I go like fanatics when there favorite team strikes goal )


Some pictures from the making of:

With Truman Capote!
Although he hated Audrey... and he doesn´t bothered to hide that at all, I mean... just look at the picture! you don´t need to be a body lenguage expert (and he also repeatedly said "I hate Audrey" repeteadly)...

  • She has a "Funny Face"!


  • She new her atributes well, and how to highlight them! Also: did I mentioned that she was a cool lady?


    P.S.: My friend from My wonderland just Made a wonderful post about a Carla Bruni/Holly Golightly editorial. What could be better? Watch it here


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