100 is finally here!

Dear readers:
It´s my 100th post and I´d like to thank you all for being such good readers!
On my last post I received a comment, a person that maybe was trying to help. So she/he gave me a few advises and I´d like to thank her/him.
I know that as a blogger, not everyone will like everything I do. We all have some common interests (Sofia Coppola! Audrey Hepburn! pink!... anyone?) and let me admit ot, at first I took it as an insult but then, I realised that everything she/he said was right!: Dr. Harry Higgins would completely disaprove my ortography and gramatics (I can almost hear him say "You disgrace the noble structure of these columns" or "she´s deliciously low, so horribly dirty" :O), sure that I am aaaalways complaining, and the last hurtful truth: my blog is as monothematic as a monothematic blog can get to be.

It must take a lot of patience to hear me constantly bitching around, so in order to make my 100th post a new beginning, I´d like to promise (cross my heart and kiss my elbow!) that I will try to follow this advises, and any other advise that you´d like to give me, so I can get to be as good blogger and writer as I can ever get to be! And I hope that I make many hundreds of wonderful posts more and that I get a little bit better with each one :D as somebody said: Rome was not built on one day.

Well, I can start on my 101st post ;) for now let me enjoy one last post of the things that I like the most! 100 is an important number!




Farewell Brittany
I will always remember for this wonderful movie...

Now... Good night and good luck!
(Although it is 12:00 pm here ;)


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