My first post of the decade, that casually happens to be #101 on my blog, And it has bouncing sheeps, Barbie, 80s musical, cool sunglasses and Ellen von Unwerth, all in one! (phew! long title)

Maybe it seems very demodé by now, but  hey! Happy New Year!

You might be wondering, what is that interesting thing that I have been doing that has been keeping me from blogging?
But there is no reason good enough to justify this neglection! I can just tell you that I've been trying to start the year with the right foot (If that's a metaphore for eating like crazy)!

No, no, of course I've done much more things than just eating like hum... watching Breakfast at Tiffany's ( which may be my definition of starting with the right foot...perhaps), going to the movies, having some poolside fun (I didn't got much inside the pool fun), and watching funny videos on Youtube.

I've also setted some resolutions to take the most out of 2010!

Goals for 2010
  • Get flexible. Like really flexible. By the end of the year I'll accept no less than full splits.
  • Learn to dance really well.
  • Let clear that I'm "young, single and loooves to mingle!"
  • Work on my charm and graces ;)
  • Travel.
  • Blog as often as I can and be more open-minded about the things I post.
  • Dress like I've always wanted to!
  • Improve my fitness, exercise more often.
  • Eat less (this may be more difficult than the full splits part!).
Well, time to get lucky!

The things that made my day:

  • I almost died of cuteness by how absolutely adorable this video is! The message: Sometimes you are up, sometimes you are down. Buy always make sure to keep your chin real high!... Did I mentioned that there is a bounding sheep too?

  • Did you know that an actual Barbie fashion show took place? Because I didn't! I really find it chic in a Barbie-sort-of-way.

(Anyone that knows me well enough, will notice that it wasn't the dress but the sunglasses that caught my attention, how lovely are these, huh?)


  • The other day I was watching Fame, not the apparently crappy High School Musical-like remake (I haven't seen it yet, but that's the impression I get from the critics), but the 1980's original and I must say that I'm completely dazzed!
I'm no expert in the matter, in fact, I love all musicals from the 80's! Don't they all leave you wanting to suddenly explode into singing and dancing? Well as for this one, it doesn't. It is just reaaally sad. In fact, the tagline should be : "Fame costs, now it's when you start to pay".
I didn't make it sound nice at all but it is really good! I promise!

As for my favorite scenes...
I just looove anything ballet!

And the "Hot Lunch", How cool is that?

  • And Damon+Vicky dancing around. I would have thought that they were strongly into crack during this scene if it wasn't the fact that he is a vampire. Anyway, J'adore when people dance around like they are on big dose of crack  (and please, don't get alarmed! That is 90% of what Skins is about and still I'm not planning to take any drug at all). For some ridiculous reason, someone disabled the "embed" button on this video, I hope you are not too lazy to click here and watch it!
  • Other thing I've doing lately is trying to figure out who my favorite composer is because, in my opinion, everyone should have a favorite composer (believe me, you will need it for long nights of studying for Universal History mesual). So far, I like Vivaldi and Rachmaninov: Because a)Vivaldi makes me happy and b)Have you ever watched somebody playing Rachmaninov? If you haven't then i'll describe it as "man you've got some fast fingers"-like, a friend told me that his pieces are the hardest to play!
I must admit that I ike best the contemporary composers that work on scores for movies.
Such as Yann Tiersen (Amélie, La Valse de Amélie is a genius masterpiece in my opinion! I still have the theory that he writes the best music for rainy days) and Michael Giaccino (Up! that lovely Ellie tune is stucked on my head, and Ratatouille is very smokey-parisian-like).

  • Oh yes! I'd love a fair share of Twiggy lashes!

  •  My darling darling blogger friend from Analytic Approach to Style dedicated me this editorial ( most especifically this picture) and I just love her for it! :D It's nice that somebody sees you in such wondeful editorial, visit her blog if you'd like to see the rest!
  • As for an one last gift: Other thing I'm loving is Eva Green, Ellen Von Unwerth and this mesmerizing editorial that came out from the union of them both! 
Enjoy, and know that I wish you the best from 2010!

Good night and good luck!


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